
7 bolsas de mano inspiradoras para pasar la cuarentena

Todo este distanciamiento social, el miedo en el que vivimos, el anhelo de salir a la calle y disfrutar del clima, extra馻r a nuestros amigos y familiares, todo eso tiene un costo emocional, y uno grande para empezar. Sin embargo, todav韆 podemos encontrar la felicidad en la oscuridad si solo recordamos encender la luz, parafraseando a uno de los magos m醩 grandes que jam醩 haya existido. Entonces, la pr髕ima vez que salga, tome una de sus bolsas de mano inspiradoras para que usted (y otros) pasen la cuarentena.

Siempre que recuerde y siga las reglas de distanciamiento social cada vez que vaya de compras y use equipo de protecci髇 personal, las cosas deber韆n estar bien. Deje que ? ? vea hoy algunas bolsas de mano inspiradoras con citas y mensajes que puede usar para alegrar su d韆 y poner una sonrisa en las caras de otras personas. Si no tiene bolsas de mano inspiradoras personalizadas que lo ayuden a superar la cuarentena m醩 f醕ilmente, erm韙anos solucionar este problema por usted! :)

hora, ? ? se ponga manos a la obra y vea algunas bolsas de tela para elevar su esp韗itu e inspirar a otros!

1. La felicidad se puede encontrar incluso en los momentos m醩 oscuros

As we said, Albus Dumbledore is one of the greatest wizards that ever lived, and we could all enjoy a sparkle of his wisdom. Print the message on your favorite shopping canvas tote bag. Next time you go for groceries or errands, be the light that other people need right now to remember that this world had its fair share of darkness before, but, in the end, the light prevailed.

This printed tote bag also makes an incredible gift for a friend that is a Harry Potter fan and needs emotional support during these times. For a ??ewitching?? effect, don?? forget to use the right fonts for this message to put on the gifted inspirational tote bag.

2. Start each day with a grateful heart

If this pandemic and quarantine taught us anything, they taught us not to take life for granted. We often forget to be thankful for what we have right here and now. Starting each day with a grateful heart that our loved ones and we are healthy is one surefire way to cope with these times of fear and confusion.

We have plenty of things to be grateful for each day; we just have to take a moment of introspection and realize that. You can help others, too, by printing this uplifting message on a cotton/canvas tote bag for shopping and spread good vibes next time you go outside.

3. Small acts change the world

Another thing this global health issue taught us is that we are never too small to matter. On the contrary, the solidarity and compassion the world has shared while fighting this invisible enemy together is a lesson in humanity and empowerment.

From people tailoring face masks for front-line hospital staff to local communities organizing to support small entrepreneurs, we all learned a few precious lessons about kindness and altruism.

So, next time you visit your local farmers?? market or your neighbor?? bookshop, take one or more of these inspirational tote bags and spread the message: we are indeed the change we want to see in the world.

4. We??e all in this together

Yes, we are, and we will get out of this stronger, more mindful, and kinder. Getting such a nicely printed black canvas or a polypropylene tote bag for shopping or running a few errands or going to work is easy if you use our online store and our tote bag printing service. All you have to do is get a tote bag in the size you desire, have it personalized, and wear it to spread a message of unity and strength.

5. Don?? be afraid. Be amazing

Fear seems to be the common denominating emotion of our times. However, one of the best inspirational tote bags you can carry these days, even if you only go out to get some food or supplies, is this one. Since fear is the mind-killer, we should all stop for a moment, acknowledge it, let it pass through us, and put it behind us. We can all be amazing in our way, even by a small gesture of compassion or only by staying home.

Either we do something agreeable for another person, or we volunteer for a more significant cause, we can bring hope and light for those less fortunate. Personalize one or more inspirational tote bags to help you and others through the quarantine and always be the first to set an example on how to be amazing and not afraid.

6. Quarantine and chill

In truth, it is hard to chill these days, as contradictory information, anxiety, social isolation, and the potential economic consequences of the pandemic do not let us sleep well at night or relax at home. However, if you are still grateful for the little things in life and take each crisis with a grain of humor, print your beloved canvas tote bag with this ??Quarantine and chill?? message and wear it next time you leave the house. It will put a smile on some peoples?? faces.

7. Today: Live, smile, love, dream, laugh, sing, dance

Now, this is a to-do list we agree with, mainly because we can all do all these things at home, together with our loved ones. One of the best inspirational tote bags to carry through this quarantine ?? and long after it passes ?? this one reminds us of a few crucial things. Smiling, laughing, singing in the shower maybe, dancing in the living room, living every second of life with passion, love with all our hearts, and dreaming with our eyes wide open can get all of us through the most difficult of times.

What Are Your Favorite Inspirational Tote Bags Messages and Quotes?

緼lguna vez has considerado llevar una bolsa de mano tan edificante la pr髕ima vez que salgas de casa? 緾u醠 de estas bolsas de mano inspiradoras personalizar韆 usted mismo para usar durante y despu閟 de la cuarentena? 緾u醠es regalar韆s a tus seres queridos y por qu? eje sus pensamientos en la secci髇 de comentarios a continuaci髇 y deje que ? ? mantengan la luz encendida juntos!

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